($$) There is a small number among the clients who do business with a cash advance loan center who are occasionally not the most trustworthy people in the land. Because of the fact there is no credit check and only basic checking of the identity of the borrower, this business is susceptible to fraud. When the cash advance loan center is the victim of fraud or a loss from someone using a different person’s identity, often it is a straight loss. The center’s insurance policy may or may not cover the loss, but too many losses will get them dropped from the carrier. Obviously, this is not to say that the majority of the clients are problematic.
In the lending industry there is a theory called the “layering of risk.” What this means is that each item in the loan decision process has a level rating to it. Just a few of the things being addressed are is there any collateral (down payment), or does the center have any loaning and repayment history, credit score and similar things? Since the loan center does not run a credit check, can’t take collateral, and may or may not have history with the borrower, the layers of risk are high. The cash advance loan center has to figure this layering of risk into its pricing schedule.

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