($$) Cash advance lenders are not charities but businesses looking to make
money. They do so by levying an exorbitant interest on the money
borrowed. If you cannot repay it in time frame given, you get into legal
problems. The average sum borrowed under cash advances is $300. The
general fee for borrowing this sum is $90. So if you borrow today and
are not paid for 4 days, you end up repaying $390 in addition to your
next check. The worst thing is you cannot do anything about it. You
cannot bargain as this fee is fixed.
When going for a cash advance, you have to fill forms, submit a
suitable photo ID, a latest bank statement and your checkbook. While it
may seem easy, it is no so in reality. This is because you must also
give 3 references who can be contacted at any instant of which 2 must be
family members. While opting for this loan, you will have to call these
references. This may be a problem as some of these people may not help
you. Then your bank statements will be examined to find out if there
were any NSF checks in the last 3 months. If it is fine and your job is
ok, your loan is approved.
Isn’t it amazing that it requires just 10 minutes to fall in debt,
and some weeks to be free from it, if you do succeed. So just borrow the
amount you need at the moment. The payment check that you give as an
advance will be kept on hold till you get your next salary. If you fail
to turn up on your payday to retrieve your check, it is paid into your
account. There is no way you can halt payment of this check, since the
court order will favor them in case you do. It is regarded as robbery by
deception, and criminal charge except if you have borrowed over $500 in
which case, there is a felony charge, and all this only because you
fell short of cash. This makes cash advances a dangerous loan to borrow.
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